Sunday, 22 July 2012

Oracle Data Integrator Interview Questions and answers?

Oracle Data Integrator Interview Questions and answers?

1) What is the history of ODI?
2) What are the types of Knowledge Modules?
3) What are the types of data contol?
4) What is Journalization and why we are using in ODI?
5) Tell me step by step to enable Journalization?
6) What is An Interface ?
7) What is temporary Interface( Yellow Interface) ?
8) Tell me some differences between ODI 10g and ODI 11g?
9) Tell what are the ODI tools have u used in your project?
10) What are the Types of repositories in ODI?
11) Can i create more than one Master Repository in ODI?
12) What is a scenario in odi?
13) What is load plan and types of load plans in ODI?
14) What is CKM and when we will use this CKM?
15) What is SKM and when we will use this SKM?
16) What is package and main advantages?
17) Differences between package and loadplans?
18) How to load data from multiple files to single target?
19) How to load data from file to file and what are the KM's required for this requirement?
20) how to pass a variable more than one values?

21) What is an agent and What are the types of agents?
22) What is StandAlone Agent and default port number?
23) What is J2EE Agent and port number?
24) What is the use solutions?
25) What is flexfileds and use of flexfileds in odi?
26) What is CDC and explain complete CDC process flow?
27) What are the types of profiles in ODI?
28) What are the types of Generic profiles types in ODI?
29) Which profile required to access Models in Designer tool?
30) Which profile required to access solution in Designer tool?
31) Which profile required to access ODI Console?
32) What is ODI console?
33) What are types of LOG LEVELS in ODI?
34) What is the use of Markers?
35) What is memo?
36) How to move objects from DEV to QA and QA to PROD Environments?

Thursday, 19 July 2012

ODI 11g StandAlone Agent Configuration step by step

Goto Your ODI Agent Bin Installation directory



edit odiparams.bat for windows

 Goto CMD prompt and open below path


 using encode generate your password
encode oracle1( oracle1 is password) password is encoded

mark encoded password for both SUPERVISOR and Master Repository Passwords

Create agent for Standalone and portno 20910 default no

ODI 11G J2EE Agent step by step Configuration in WLS Part 2

Create new physical agent   "OracleDIAgent" like the same

Goto CMD prompt and open your WLS installed drive ex

Type wlst and enter

it will connect wlst

execute the following command:


weblogic user name and password and host and port number

and enter

Execute the following command to add the correct credential store for ODI Supervisor :

 createCred (map="oracle.odi.credmap", key="SUPERVISOR", user="SUPERVISOR", password="welcome", desc="ODI SUPERVISOR Credential").

IAlso execute the command to add the correct credential store for the domain ODI-DOMAIN :

createCred (map="oracle.odi.credmap", key="ODI-DOMAIN", user="weblogic", password="Admin123", desc="ODI-DOMAIN Credential"). 

exit and start your weblogic domain services

and goto ODI Topology admin and open OracleDIAgent and test

Delete Target Table in ODI Substitution parameters

Delete Target Table

This task deletes the data from the target table. This command runs in a transaction and is not committed. It is executed if the DELETE_ALL Knowledge Module option is selected.
Command on Target

delete from <%=odiRef.getTable("L","INT_NAME","A")%>

ODI Oracle Tools Send Mail Example

Oracle Tools Send Mail Example

Procedure Details for Sending Multiple Emails
Source Technology
Source Logical Schema
Source Command
Select FirstName FNAME, EMailaddress EMAIL
From <%=odiRef.getObjectName("L","USERS","D")%>
Target Technology
Target Logical Schema
Target Command
OdiSendMail -MAILHOST= “-TO=#EMAIL” “-SUBJECT=Job Failure”
Dear #FNAME,
This is sample program in TGR Technologies, because session <%=snpRef.getSession(“SESS_NO”)%> has just started!

OD Substitution methods Parameter pProperty:

Parameter  pProperty:

    ID:Datastore identifier.

    TARG_NAME:Full name of the target datastore. In actions, this parameter returns the name of the current table handled by the DDL command. If partitioning is used on the target datastore of an interface, this property automatically includes the partitioning clause in the datastore name.

    RES_NAME:Physical name of the target datastore. In actions, this parameter returns the name of the current table handled by the DDL command. This property does not include the partitioning information.

    COLL_NAME:Full name of the loading datastore.

    INT_NAME:Full name of the integration datastore.

    ERR_NAME:Full name of the error datastore.

    CHECK_NAME: Name of the error summary datastore.

    CT_NAME: Full name of the checked datastore.

    FK_PK_TABLE_NAME:Full name of the datastore referenced by a foreign key.

    JRN_NAME:Full name of the journalized datastore.

    JRN_VIEW:Full name of the view linked to the journalized datastore.

    JRN_DATA_VIEW:Full name of the data view linked to the journalized datastore.

    JRN_TRIGGER:Full name of the trigger linked to the journalized datastore.

    JRN_ITRIGGER:Full name of the Insert trigger linked to the journalized datastore.

    JRN _UTRIGGER:Full name of the Update trigger linked to the journalized datastore.

    JRN_DTRIGGER:Full name of the Delete trigger linked to the journalized datastore.

    SUBSCRIBER_TABLE:Full name of the datastore containing the subscribers list.

    CDC_SET_TABLE: Full name of the table containing list of CDC sets.

    CDC_TABLE_TABLE:Full name of the table containing the list of tables journalized through CDC sets.

    CDC_SUBS_TABLE:Full name of the table containing the list of subscribers to CDC sets.

    CDC_OBJECTS_TABLE:Full name of the table containing the journalizing parameters and objects.

    <flexfield_code>: Flexfield value for the current target table.

One Example For Substitution Methods

One Example For Substitution Methods
Procedure Details for Loading Data from a Remote SQL Database
Source Technology
Source Logical Schema
Source Command
from   <%=odiRef.getObjectName("L","SCOTT","D")%>
Target Technology
Target Logical Schema
Target Command
insert into PARTS

Saturday, 14 July 2012

ODI Substitution Parameters L,W,D,P,S usage and meanings

ODI Substitution Parameters L,W,D,P,S usage and meanings

Parameter pMode

use the local object mask to build the complete path of the object.


Uses the object mask to build the complete path of the object.
use the remote object mask to build the complete path of the object.

Note: When using the remote object mask, getObjectName always resolved the object name using the default physical schema of the remote server.


 Automatic: Defines automatically the adequate mask to use.

 Parameter Location


Returns the complete name of the object in the physical catalog and the "work" physical schema that corresponds to the specified tuple (context, logical schema)

Returns the complete name of the object in the physical catalog and the data physical schema that corresponds to the specified tuple (context, logical schema)


Lets Oracle Data Integrator determine the default location of the object. This value is used if pLocation is not specified.


Qualify object for the partition provided in pPartitionName


Qualify object for the sub-partition provided in pPartitionName

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

ODI Console Configuration part 2

ODI Oracle Data Integrator 11G Step by Step Installations on Windows 7

ODI 11G Step By Step Installations on Windows 7

Download ODI 11G ( latest version from oracle.

extract two zip folders (disk1 and disk2) in you OS.

Select first and second options.

If you installaed WEB Logic Server select option 3 ( Java EE Installation) other wise deselect .
If you select Java EE installation option you will get this option.

select your Web logic Middle ware home location ex  (C:\oracle\middleware) and Oracle Home Directory keep it default

Your installations was successfull.

Go to Program Files=> oracle=> open ODI Studio

Go to File => NEW=>select master repository creation.

ODI Console and J2EE Agent step by step Configuration in WLS Part 1

ODI Console and J2EE Agent Step by Step Configuration

Data Ware Housing Concepts with examples