Saturday, 19 October 2013

Oracle Data Integrator ODI 12c (12.1.2) is out.

That’s it! The long awaited Oracle Data Integrator 12c is out!  You can find the 12.1.2 version on the ODI Downloads page

New Features in Oracle Data Integrator 12c (12.1.2)


Declarative Flow-Based User Interface
The new declarative flow-based user interface combines the simplicity and ease-of-use of the declarative approach with the flexibility and extensibility of configurable flows. Mappings (the successor of the Interface concept in Oracle Data Integrator 11g) connect sources to targets through a flow of components such as Join, Filter, Aggregate, Set, Split, and so on.

Reusable Mappings
Reusable Mappings can be used to encapsulate flow sections that can then be reused in multiple mappings. A reusable mapping can have input and output signatures to connect to an enclosing flow; it can also contain sources and targets that are encapsulated inside the reusable mapping.

Multiple Target Support
A mapping can now load multiple targets as part of a single flow. The order of target loading can be specified, and the Split component can be optionally used to route rows into different targets, based on one or several conditions.

Step-by-Step Debugger
Mappings, Packages, Procedures, and Scenarios can now be debugged in a step-by-step debugger. Users can manually traverse task execution within these objects and set breakpoints to interrupt execution at pre-defined locations. Values of variables can be introspected and changed during a debugging session, and data of underlying sources and targets can be queried, including the content of uncommitted transactions.

Runtime Performance Enhancements
The runtime execution has been improved to enhance performance. Various changes have been made to reduce overhead of session execution, including the introduction of blueprints, which are cached execution plans for sessions. Performance is improved by loading sources in parallel into the staging area. Parallelism of loads can be customized in the physical view of a map. Users also have the option to use unique names for temporary database objects, allowing parallel execution of the same mapping.

Oracle GoldenGate Integration Improvements
The integration of Oracle GoldenGate as a source for the Change Data Capture (CDC) framework has been improved in the following areas:
  • Oracle GoldenGate source and target systems are now configured as data servers in Topology. Extract and replicate processes are represented by physical and logical schemas. This representation in Topology allows separate configuration of multiple contexts, following the general context philosophy.
  • Most Oracle GoldenGate parameters can now be added to extract and replicate processes in the physical schema configuration. The UI provides support for selecting parameters from lists. This minimizes the need for the modification of Oracle GoldenGate parameter files after generation.
  • A single mapping can now be used for journalized CDC load and bulk load of a target. This is enabled by the Oracle GoldenGate JKM using the source model as opposed to the Oracle GoldenGate replication target, as well as configuration of journalizing in mapping as part of a deployment specification. Multiple deployment specifications can be used in a single mapping for journalized load and bulk load.
  • Oracle GoldenGate parameter files can now be automatically deployed and started to source and target Oracle GoldenGate instances through the JAgent technology.

Standalone Agent Management with WebLogic Management Framework
Oracle Data Integrator standalone agents are now managed through the WebLogic Management Framework. This has the following advantages:
  • UI-driven configuration through Configuration Wizard
  • Multiple configurations can be maintained in separate domains
  • Node Manager can be used to control and automatically restart agents

Integration with OPSS Enterprise Roles
Oracle Data Integrator can now use the authorization model in Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) to control access to resources. Enterprise roles can be mapped into Oracle Data Integrator roles to authorize enterprise users across different tools.

XML Improvements
The following XML Schema constructs are now supported:
  • list and union - List or union-based elements are mapped into VARCHAR columns.
  • substitutionGroup - Elements based on substitution groups create a table each for all types of the substitution group.
  • Mixed content - Elements with mixed content map into a VARCHAR column that contains text and markup content of the element.
  • Annotation - Content of XML schema annotations are stored in the table metadata.

Oracle Warehouse Builder Integration
Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) jobs can now be executed in Oracle Data Integrator through the OdiStartOwbJob tool. The OWB repository is configured as a data server in Topology. All the details of the OWB job execution are displayed as a session in the Operator tree.

Unique Repository IDs
Master and Work Repositories now use unique IDs following the GUID convention. This avoids collisions during import of artifacts and allows for easier management and consolidation of multiple repositories in an organization.

  :  Source from

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Find TABLESPACE Usage size and free space size in Oracle


   used_percent > 90;

  SELECT  a.tablespace_name,
    C.BYTES / 1024 / 1024/ 1024 SPACE_ALLOCATED,
    ROUND (C.BYTES / 1024 / 1024/ 1024 - NVL (B.BYTES, 0) / 1024 / 1024/ 1024,2) SPACE_USED,
    ROUND (NVL (b.BYTES, 0) / 1024 / 1024/ 1024, 2) space_free,
  FROM dba_tablespaces a,
       (    SELECT   tablespace_name,
                  SUM (BYTES) BYTES
           FROM   dba_free_space
       GROUP BY   tablespace_name
       ) b,
      (    SELECT   COUNT (1) DATAFILES,
                  SUM (BYTES) BYTES,
           FROM   dba_data_files
       GROUP BY   tablespace_name
    ) c
  WHERE b.tablespace_name(+) = a.tablespace_name
ORDER BY NVL (((c.BYTES - NVL (b.BYTES, 0)) / c.BYTES), 0) DESC;

  ROUND(a.TOTSIZE    /1024/1024/1024,0) "Total Size (GB)",
  ROUND(NVL(b.used,0)/1024/1024/1024,0) "Used (GB)",
  100                - ROUND(((a.totsize - NVL(b.used,0)) / a.totsize) * 100,0) "%Used",
  ROUND(((a.TOTSIZE  - NVL(B.USED,0)) / a.TOTSIZE) * 100,0) "% Free",
  (ROUND(a.totsize   /1024/1024/1024,0)-ROUND(NVL(b.used,0)/1024/1024/1024,0) ) "Free GB"
  (SELECT tablespace_name,
    SUM(bytes) totsize
  FROM dba_data_files
  GROUP BY tablespace_name
  ) a,
  (SELECT tablespace_name,
    SUM(bytes) used
  FROM dba_segments
  GROUP BY tablespace_name
  ) b

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Oracle Data Integrator Concepts

ODI  High Level Objectives:
Ø  Overview of the architecture of the complete Oracle Data Integrator system
Ø  Define the Information System architecture
Ø  Get started with projects in Oracle Data Integrator and release your work for deployment
Ø  An overview of models, reverse-engineering model metadata from your database, and how and why to flesh out models with missing metadata
Ø  Manage metadata in Oracle Data Integrator: models and data quality
Ø  Create simple interfaces and add multiple sources to an interface
Ø  Launch a session to run an interface
Ø  Enforce data quality constraints in an interface
Ø  Manage packages
Ø  Add more advanced integration components
Ø  Customize data flow and get the best performance out of your system
Ø  An overview of sessions, use Operator to monitor, stop and start sessions, and basic troubleshooting.
Introduction : 
Ø  Identifying the Course Content
Ø  What is Oracle Data Integrator?
Ø  Why Oracle Data Integrator?
Ø  Overview of ODI 11g Architecture
Ø  Overview of ODI 11g Components
Ø  About Graphical Modules
Ø  Types of ODI Agents
Ø  Overview of Oracle Data Integrator Repositories
Installations & Configurations :
Ø  Oracle 11G Database.
Ø  ODI 11G
Ø  Weblogic Server 11G
Ø  Configurations
Administering ODI Repositories and Agents :
Ø  Administrating the ODI Repositories
Ø  Creating Repository Storage Spaces
Ø  Creating and Connecting to the Master Repository
Ø  Creating and Connecting to the Work Repository
Ø  Managing ODI Agents
Ø  Creating a Physical Agent
Ø  Launching a Listener, Scheduler and Web Agent

Ø  Example of Load Balancing
ODI Topology Concepts :  
Ø  Overview of ODI Topology
Ø  About Data Servers and Physical Schemas
Ø  Defining the Physical Architecture
Ø  Defining the Logical Architecture
Ø  Mapping Logical and Physical Resources
Ø  Defining Agents
Ø  Defining a Topology
Ø  Planning the Topology
Describing the Physical and Logical Architecture : 
Ø  Overview of Topology Navigator
Ø  Creating Physical Architecture
Ø  Creating a Data Server
Ø  Testing a Data Server Connection
Ø  Creating a Physical Schema
Ø  Creating Logical Architecture
Ø  Overview of Logical Architecture and Context Views
Ø  Linking the Logical and Physical Architecture
Setting Up a New ODI Project :
Ø  Overview of ODI Projects
Ø  Creating a New Project
Ø  Using Folders
Ø  Organizing Projects and Folders
Ø  Understanding Knowledge Modules
Ø  Exchanging ODI Objects
Ø  Exporting and Importing Objects
Ø  Using Markers
Oracle Data Integrator Model Concepts :  
Ø  What is a Model?
Ø  Understanding Metadata in ODI
Ø  Understanding Reverse Engineering
Ø  Creating Models
Ø  Organizing Models
Ø  Creating Data stores
Ø  Using Constraints in ODI
Ø  Creating Keys and References
Organizing ODI Models and Creating Data stores : 
Ø  What is an Interface?
Ø  Business Rules for Interfaces
Ø  What is a Mapping?
Ø  What is a Join?
Ø  What is a Filter?
Ø  What is a Constraint?
Ø  What is a Staging Area?
Ø  Creating a Basic Interface
ODI Interface Concepts  : 
Ø  What is an Interface?
Ø  Business Rules for Interfaces
Ø  What is a Mapping, Filter, Join?
Ø  Overview of Integration Process
Ø  What is a Staging Area?
Ø  About Execution Location
Ø  Using Knowledge Modules (KM) with ODI Interface
Ø  Creating a Basic Interface
Designing Interfaces :
Ø  Designing an Interface
Ø  Multiple Source Data stores
Ø  Creating Joins
Ø  Filtering data
Ø  Disabling Transformations
Ø  Overview of the Flow
Ø  Specifying the Staging Area
Ø  Selecting Knowledge Modules
Interfaces: Monitoring and Debugging :
Ø  Monitoring Interfaces
Ø  Using Operator
Ø  Viewing Sessions and Tasks
Ø  How to Monitor Execution of an Interface
Ø  How to Troubleshoot a Session
Ø  Keys to Reviewing the Generated Code
Ø  Working with Errors
Ø  Tips for Preventing Errors
Designing Interfaces: Advanced Topics : 
Ø  Using Business Rules in Interfaces
Ø  Overview of Business Rule Elements
Ø  Using variables
Ø  Using User Functions
Ø  Using Substitution Methods
Ø  Modifying a KM
Ø  Developing Your Own KM
Ø  Using RKM for Customized Reverse Engineering
Using ODI procedures : 
Ø  What is a Procedure?
Ø  Examples of Procedures
Ø  Creating Procedures
Ø  Adding Commands
Ø  Adding Options
Ø  Running a Procedure
Ø  Using Operator to View Results
Using ODI Packages : 
Ø  What is a package?
Ø  Creating a package
Ø  Executing a package
Ø  Creating Advanced Packages
Ø  Error handling
Ø  Controlling an Execution Path
Ø  Creating a Loop
Ø  Using the Advanced tab
Managing ODI Scenarios and Versions : 
Ø  What is a Scenario?
Ø  Managing Scenarios
Ø  Preparing Scenarios for Deployment
Ø  Automating Scenario Management
Ø  Scheduling the ODI Scenario
Ø  Overview of ODI version management
Ø  Using Version Browser and Version Comparison Tool
Ø  Handling concurrent changes
Enforcing Data Quality and Auditing Data with ODI :
Ø  Why Data Quality?
Ø  When to Enforce Data Quality?
Ø  Data Quality in Source Applications
Ø  Data Quality Control in the Integration Process
Ø  Data Quality in the Target Applications
Ø  Enforcing Data Quality
Ø  Exploring Your Data
Ø  Auditing Data Quality
Working with Changed Data Capture : 
Ø  Overview of ODI version management
Ø  Techniques of Changed Data Capture
Ø  Changed Data Capture in ODI
Ø  CDC Strategies and Infrastructure
Ø  CDC Consistency
Ø  Using CDC
Ø  Viewing Data/Changed data
Ø  Using Journalizing
Administering ODI Resources: Advanced Topics :
Ø  Using Open Tools
Ø  Installing Open Tools
Ø  Using Open Tools in a Package
Ø  Using Open Tools in a Procedure or in a KM
Ø  Developing Your Own Open Tools
Ø  Setting Up ODI Security
Ø  Defining Security Policies
Ø  Defining Password Policies