Saturday, 26 May 2012

ODI Main key words

Target Datastore - The target datastore is the element that will be loaded
by the interface.
· Datasets - One target is loaded with data coming from several datasets.
Set-based operators (Union, Intersect, etc.) are used to merge the
different datasets into the target datastore.
· Diagram of Source Datastores - A diagram of sources is made of source
datastores – possibly filtered – related using joins. The source diagram
also includes lookups to fetch additional information for loading the target.
· Mapping - A mapping defines the transformations performed on one or
several source columns to load one target column. These transformations
are implemented in the form of SQL expressions.
· Staging Area - The staging area is a logical schema into which some of
the transformations (joins, filters and mappings) take place. It is by default
the same schema as the target’s logical schema. It is possible to locate
the staging area on a different location (including one of the sources).
· Flow - The flow describes how the data flows between the sources, the
staging area if it is different from the target, and the target as well as
where joins and filters take place. The flow also includes the loading and
integration methods (Loading and Integration Knowledge Modules - LKM,
· Control - An interface implements two points of control. Flow control
checks the flow of data before it is integrated into the target. Post-
Integration control performs a static check on the target table at the end of
the interface (Check Knowledge Module - CKM).

Process Overview
The following step sequence is usually performed when creating an interface,
and can be used as a guideline to design your first interfaces:
1. Create a New Interface
2. Define the Target Datastore
3. Define the Datasets
4. Define the Source Datastores and Lookups
5. Define the Mappings
6. Define the Interface Flow
7. Set up Flow Control and Post-Integration Control
8. Execute the Integration Interface

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