Wednesday, 23 July 2014

ODI-10018: The repository 000 is not coherent between the current repository and the import file.

ODI-10018: The repository 000 is not coherent between the current repository and the import file.

While Importing odi objects from One Work Repository to Another Work repository and both work repositories in different Master repositories  if both work repositories having the same Repository ID it will throw the same error.

oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.OdiSmartImportException: oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.OdiSmartImportException: oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.OdiSmartImportException: ODI-10018: The repository 000 is not coherent between the current repository and the import file.


Step1:   Don't Use Same Repository ID's for Both Work Repositories (Source & Target).
Step2:  Use Smart Import and Export Feature for Exporting and Importing.

Smart Import & Export

This feature is available from 11G and Above versions.

Smart Export will export the all dependents objects for your Projects like  Models, Logical Schemas,
Contexts, Physical Schemas & Technology Data Servers.

If you have already those objects You can Select Ignore   Option While importing the objects

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