Thursday, 5 June 2014

Difference Between ODI 11g ( and ODI 12c (12.1.2)

Difference Between ODI 11g ( and ODI 12c (12.1.2)
ODI 11G(
ODI 12C (12.1.2)
No Multiple target tables in a single Interface
We can load multiple targets tables In single mapping
Mappings & Reusable Mappings
No Reusable mappings in Global Objects
Reusable Mappings Added in Global Objects
Stand Alone & J2ee Agent
Stand Alone, Colocated & J2ee Agent
Only NG-Profiles is  NG_DESIGNER
Added aditional NG profiles NG_CONSOLE,
No Wallet Password
Added Wallet Password
No-Direct role selection while creating users.
 Manually Drag n Drop
Direct Role selection whilre creating users
No-  Hive Technology For Hadoop in Topology
Added New Hive Technology For Hadoop  in Topology
No - Pivot functions
Available below functions in Opatch 17053768
1) Pivot Component
2) Unpivot Component
3) Table Function Component
4) Subquery Filter Component
Sequence Enhancements only NEXTVAL
Sequence Enhancements  CURRVAL & NEXTVAL
No  Split or Sort or set objects
Declarative Flow-Based User Interface
The new declarative flow-based user interface combines the simplicity and ease-of-use of the declarative approach with the flexibility and extensibility of configurable flows. Mappings (the successor of the Interface concept in Oracle Data Integrator 11g) connect sources to targets through a flow of components such as Join, Filter, Aggregate, Sort,Set, Split, and so on.
XML Improvements
The following XML Schema constructs are now supported:
list and union - List or union-based elements are mapped into VARCHAR columns.
substitutionGroup - Elements based on substitution groups create a table each for all types of the substitution group.
Mixed content - Elements with mixed content map into a VARCHAR column that contains text and markup content of the element.
Annotation - Content of XML schema annotations are stored in the table metadata.

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