Sunday, 10 June 2012

Common Format Designer

Common Format Designer

Common Format Designer (CFD) is used to quickly design a data model in Oracle Data Integrator. This data model may be designed as an entirely new model or assembled using elements from other data models. CFD can automatically generate the Data Definition Language (DDL) scripts for implementing this model into a data server.

Users can for example use Common Format Designer to create operational datastores, datamarts, or master data canonical format by assembling heterogeneous sources.

CFD enables a user to modify an existing model and automatically generate the DDL scripts for synchronizing differences between a data model described in Oracle Data Integrator and its implementation in the data server.

What is a Diagram?

A diagram is a graphical view of a subset of the datastores contained in a sub-model (or data model). A data model may have several diagrams attached to it.

A diagram is built:

by assembling datastores from models and sub-models.

by creating blank datastores into which you either create new columns or assemble columns from other datastores.

Why assemble datastores and columns from other models?

When assembling datastores and columns from other models or sub-models in a diagram, Oracle Data Integrator keeps track of the origin of the datastore or column that is added to the diagram. These references to the original datastores and columns enable Oracle Data Integrator to automatically generate the integration interfaces to the assembled datastores (Interfaces IN)

Automatic interface generation does not work to load datastores and columns that are not created from other model's datastores and columns. It is still possible to create the integration interfaces manually, or complete generated interface for the columns not automatically mapped.

Graphical Synonyms

In a diagram, a datastore may appear several times as a Graphical Synonym. A synonym is a graphical representation of a datastore. Graphical synonyms are used to make the diagram more readable.

If you delete a datastore from a diagram, Designer prompts you to delete either the synonym (the datastore remains), or the datastore itself (all synonyms for this datastore are deleted).

References in the diagram are attached to a datastore's graphical synonym. It is possible create graphical synonyms at will, and move the references graphical representation to any graphical synonym of the datastores involved in the references.

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