Friday, 22 June 2012

Using the Operating System Environment Variables in jython

Using the Operating System Environment Variables

It can be usefull to retrieve the Operating System environment variables. The following examples show how to retrieve this list:
import os
ftrg = open('c:/temp/listenv.txt', 'w')
  envDict = os.environ
  osCurrentDirectory = os.getcwd()
  print >> ftrg, 'Current Directory: %s'  % osCurrentDirectory
  print >> ftrg, '=============================='
  print >> ftrg, 'List of environment variables:'
  print >> ftrg, '=============================='
  for aKey inenvDict.keys():
    print >> ftrg, '%s\t= %s' % (aKey, envDict[aKey])
  print >> ftrg, '=============================='
  print >> ftrg, 'Oracle Data Integrator specific environment variables:'
  print >> ftrg, '=============================='
  for aKey inenvDict.keys():
      print >> ftrg, '%s\t= %s' % (aKey, envDict[aKey])

To retrieve the value of the USERNAME environment variable, just write:
import os
currentUser = os.environ['USERNAME']

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