Friday, 22 June 2012

Points to Remember in jython

Points to Remember

The basic rules to write a Jython program are:

Code execution

Statements are executed in sequence up to a control structure: if, for, while, raise , or a function call.


A block is defined by lines with the same indentation level (spaces or tabulations).


A statement stops at the end of a line, and can be continued on several lines if they end with a \, or if they are enclosed in (), [], {} or '''.  Several instructions can be on the same line if they are separated with a ;.


A comment starts with a hash character # and ends at the end of the physical line.

String Documentation

If a function, a module or a class starts with a string constant, this string is stored in the __doc__attribute of the object.


Simple program that displays "Hello World"
# Assign a value to a string
s = 'Hello World'
# Display the value
print s

Program that displays "Hello World" 4 times
s = 'Hello World %d'
for i in range(4):
   j = i * 2
   print s % j

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