Sunday, 10 June 2012

Overview of Generated Services

Overview of Generated Services

The data services generated by Oracle Data Integrator include model-level services and datastore level services. These services are described below.

Model-level services

Data services are generated at model-level when the model is enabled for consistent set CDC.

The following services are available at model-level:

extend Window (no parameters): Carries out an extend window operation.

lock (Subscriber Name): Locks the consistent set for the named subscriber. To lock the consistent set for several subscribers, call the service several times, using several OdiInvokeWebService steps for example.

unlock (Subscriber Name): Unlocks the consistent set for the named subscriber.

purge (no parameters): Purges consumed changes.

Datastore-level services

The range of operations offered by each generated data service depends on the SKM used to generate it. There are several common properties shared by the SKMs available with Oracle Data Integrator. In almost every case the name of the published entity forms part of the name of each operation. In the following examples, the published entity "Customer" is used.

The following operations are available at datastore-level:

Operations on a single entity. These operations allow a single record to be manipulated, by specifying a value for its primary key. Other fields may have to be supplied to describe the new row, if any. Examples: addcustomer, getcustomer, deletecustomer, updatecustomer.

Operations on a group of entities specified by filter. These operations involve specifying values for one or several fields to define a filter, then optionally supplying other values for the changes to made to those rows. In general, a maximum number of rows to return can also be specified. Examples: getcustomerfilter, deletecustomerfilter, updatecustomerfilter.

Operations on a list of entities. This list is constructed by supplying a several individual entities, as described in the "single entity" case above. Examples: addcustomerlist, deletecustomerlist, getcustomerlist, updatecustomerlist.

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