Monday, 18 June 2012

Working with Solutions

Working with Solutions

A solution is a comprehensive and consistent set of interdependent versions of objects. Like other objects, it can be checked in at a given time as a version, and may be restored at a later date. Solutions are saved into the master repository. A solution assembles a group of versions called the solution's elements.

A solution is automatically assembled using cross-references. By scanning cross-references, a solution automatically includes all dependant objects required for a particular object. For example, when adding a project to a solution, versions for all the models used in this project's interfaces are automatically checked in and added to the solution. You can also manually add or remove elements into and from the solution.

Solutions are displayed in the Solutions accordion in Designer Navigator and in Operator Navigator.

The following objects may be added into solutions:


Models, Model Folders


Load Plans

Global Variables, Knowldge Modules, User Functions and Sequences.

To create a solution:

In Designer Navigator or Operator Navigator, from the Solutions toolbar menu select New Solution.

In the Solutions editor, enter the Name of your solution and a Description.

From the File menu select Save.

The resulting solution is an empty shell into which elements may then be added.

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